Publication History
All Accepted and Presented papers of 4th SMARTGENCON 2025 ,will be published by SCITE Press About Scite press:
SciTePress publications are indexed by several abstracting and indexing organizations, including: SCOPUS, EI Engineering Index, Google Scholar, DBLP, Semantic Scholar, and Microsoft Academic.
SciTePress is a publisher of scientific and technical publications, including: conference and workshop proceedings, tutorials, journals, e-books, and on-line courses.
SciTePress publications are indexed by these organizations, but neither the publisher nor the organizations can guarantee indexing.
The SciTePress Digital Library is an open access repository that includes: Over 57,700 full text papers, Keyword-powered search, and Search engine optimization for every paper.
All of our Previous Conference Proceedings has been Published by IEEE Xplore and Indexed in SCOPUS ,EI and WOS.
Excellent papers selected from SMARTGENCON 2025 will be recommended to be published on suitable 15 different SSCI, SCI, ESCI, EI and Scopus journals after an additional review process and need extra publication charge:
1. Applied System Innovation (ESCI and EI Compendex; JCR: Q1, IF: 3.8; Scopus; ISSN: 2571-5577)
Artificial Intelligence
Human-Computer Interaction
Control and Systems Engineering
Information Systems
Medical Informatics and Healthcare Engineering
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Applied Systems on Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies
Applied Mathematics
2. Sustainability (SCI and SSCI; JCR: Q2, IF: 3.3; Scopus; ISSN: 2071-1050)
3. Healthcare (SCI and SSCI; JCR: Q2, IF: 2.4; Scopus; ISSN: 2227-9032)
4. Symmetry (SCI; JCR: Q2, IF: 2.2; Scopus; ISSN 2073-8994)
5. Applied Sciences (SCI; JCR: Q2, IF: 2.5; ISSN: 2076-3417)
6. Journal of Intelligence (SSCI; JCR: Q1, IF: 2.8; Scopus; ISSN: 2079-3200)
7. Coatings (SCI; JCR: Q2; IF: 2.9; Scopus; ISSN 2079-6412)
8. Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ESCI and EI Compendex; JCR: Q1, IF: 3.7; Scopus; ISSN: 2504-2289)
9. Education Sciences (ESCI; JCR: Q1, IF: 2.5; Scopus; ISSN: 2227-7102)
10. Technologies (ESCI; JCR: Q1, IF: 4.2; Scopus; ISSN: 2227-7080)
11. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (ESCI; JCR: Q2, IF: 3.3; Scopus; ISSN: 2224-2708)
12. Computer (ESCI; JCR: Q2, IF: 2.6; Scopus; ISSN: 2073-431X)
13. Languages (ESCI; JCR: Q2, IF: 0.9; Scopus; ISSN: 2226-471X)
14. Sensors and Materials (SCI; JCR: Q4; IF: 1.2; ISSN: 0914-4935)
15. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Scopus Q2; ISSN: 1305-8223)
IIKII journals (publication charge free)
(1) Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (ISSN: 2737-5315)
(2) International Journal of Clinical Medicine and Bioengineering (ISSN: 2737-534X)
(3) International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Protection (ISSN: 2737-5447)
(4) International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations (ISSN: 2737-5293)
(5) International Journal of Business Studies and Innovation (ISSN:2737-5331)
(6) Innovation on Design and Culture (ISSN: 2810-9279)