
Raneen Kango

A communications and software engineer , English Literature and Sustainable Development .
A tech-loving girl, Dive into the sea of knowledge and rise in the sky of creativity and innovation I always aspire to know and to develop myself to serve the world and humanity .

IEEE Member since 2016/ IEEE HUC Women Chair , Raneen volunteered Many Events and organized a lot of Congresses and Gathering.

Alexandros-Apostolos A. Boulogeorgos 

Alexandros-Apostolos A. Boulogeorgos (S’11, M’16, SM’19) was born in Trikala, Greece in 1988. He received the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) diploma degree and Ph.D. degree in Wireless Communications from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in 2012 and 2016, respectively. From November 2012, he joined the wireless communications system group of AUTh, where he worked as a research assistant/project engineer in various telecommunication and networks projects. During 2017

Gwo Giun Chris Lee, PhD

Founder Director, Bioinfotronics Research Center (BITS)

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

National Cheng Kung University


Dr. Deepak L. Waikar 

He obtained Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore, M.S. from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, M.Tech. from the Banaras Hindu University, India, and PD Certificate in University Teaching from the University of Newcastle, Australia. He has authored/co-authored book chapters, research articles, and policy papers on power, energy, management, sustainable development, leadership, and education-related topics.